Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Something about the real world: Bagels at Finagle-a-Bagel suck

Please pardon my commenting on reality (or my view of it) but... Bagels at Finagle-a-Bagel suck Or to be more politic about it, in my view, the bagels at said convenience are shaped like bagels, but the composition is much sweeter and well the texture is different enough from, let's say, Bruegger's Bagels bagels (to compare with another commercial establishment rather than, say, the heaven of a NJ bagel, it is so different that I don't think the things served at F-a-B should be called 'bagels'.

And I mean it to sting.

To make this much more than what is a simple complaint (that Finagle-a-Bagel bagels suck and get to that out on the web), let me continue. I now see the arbitrary authoritarian desire for an appellation committee that decides what is what. To mix many philosophies, word meanings are totally a social construction (to be useful, people have to 'agree' and act like they agree) but with a necessary private language (internal theory). Humpty Dumpty can't go around saying 'those things you get at Finagle-a-Bagel with the hole in them that taste sorta muffin-like'...well, actually, yes he can, but it just won't catch on, not because of semantics but because people aren't time-wasting idiots. If everybody calls them bagels, then that's what you'll call them, even if that label doesn't evoke the properties (in your head) that you normally associate with things that you call by that label.

Like how 'white chocolate' might be liked by many people, but... it ain't chocolate.

In a completely different way, I don't get bagels at Dunkin' Donuts. I don't expect them to have good ones. I don't go to FaB for muffins ...

Which is all to say... Finagle-a-Bagel bagels suck.

Now if only I could direct all this energy to the positive....